
Journey, an Indonesian Architecture Story


Indonesian vernacular architecture is currently situated at an opposing intersection between cultural preservation and modern sensibility. Following Indonesia’s independence in 1945, the international style flourished as it was associated with the idea of revolution. Ironically, the injection of international style prolonged the oppression of the rich local culture since the beginning of Indonesia’s colonization. Many of Indonesian architectural identities are embedded in its housing typology (Rumah Adat). However, to rebuild that typology in the modern standard would be absurd, as the inherent tectonic, material, and function lack modern appropriation of living. The only way for Indonesian architectural identity to survive is for it to adapt and reconfigure itself in different usage.

The thesis seeks to resurface the root of the Rumah Adat in Indonesia. For the vernacular language to survive, it needs to be reinterpreted and translated to the contemporary context. It needs to transcend its associated architectural elements from its domestic usage across different scale and programs in architecture. Framing it at a broader architectural idea, the thesis aims to abstract and reinterpret architectural language across scale and usage. By using Indonesia as the testing ground, the thesis proposes to design an addition on top of an existing expo complex in Jakarta, Indonesia, by translating the Rumah Adat language.


Jakarta, West Java



The Union | Arch:id 2024